
Project will be realized through the following 6 outputs:

IO1: Qualitative analyze report for the perception of green skills by VET trainers, VET policy makers and employers

Through this output the consortium will try to understand the point of view of VET trainers, VET policy makers and employers about green economy by qualitative analysis through structured interviews. In particular the interviews will be directly made to 2 policy makers, 5 VET trainers and 5 employees per country and a final report will be produced with their answers.


ENGLISH: IO1- Qualitative analysis of the perception of green skills by VET trainers


IO2: Quantitative analysis report for the perception of green skills by VET trainers, VET students and employers

In order to implement research analysis and to collect more information about Green skills conception, the consortium will prepare the questionnaires that will be directly send to 20 students, 5 VET students and 5 employers.


ENGLISH: IO2 – Quantitative analysis of the perception of green skills by VET trainers, VET students, and employers


IO3: Comparative report about the curriculum for construction workers on green skills

A comparative report will be produced by consortium to try to understand the needs of the curriculums and training courses of Vocational Education of construction workers in partner countries.


ENGLISH: IO3 – Comparative report about the curricula for construction workers on green skills

SPANISH: IO3 – Informe comparativo de planes de estudios para trabajadores de la construcción en las capacidades verdes

ITALIAN: IO3 – Report comparativo sui curricula degli operatori edili nell’ambito delle competenze ambientali

TURKISH: IO3 – İnşaat Çalışanları İçin Çevre Dostu Yeterliliklerle İlgili Müfredat Hakkında Karşılaştırmalı Rapor

ROMANIAN: IO3 – Raport comparativ despre curricula competenelor verzi pentru muncitorii din construcții


IO4: Comparative report about the curriculum for electricians on green skills

A comparative report will be produced by consortium to try to understand the needs of the curriculums and training courses of Vocational Education of electricians in partner countries.


ENGLISH: IO4 – Comparative report about the curricula for electricians on green skills

SPANISH: IO4 – Informe comparativo de planes de estudios para electricistas en las capacidades verdes

ITALIAN: IO4 – Report comparativo sui curricula degli elettricisti nell’ambito delle competenze ambientali

TURKISH: IO4 – Elektrik Sektöründe Çevre Dostu Yeterliliklerle İlgili Müfredat Hakkında Karşılaştırmalı Rapor

ROMANIAN: IO4 – Raport comparativ despre curricula competenelor verzi pentru electricieni


IO5: Recommendations for policy makers about the inadequacies of Vocational education for electricians from the perspective of green skills concept

The main objective of the project is rising awareness of the policy makers and other stakeholders in vocational education system about the green skills for 2 low-level professions. For this reason, the consortium, taking into account results of the previous outputs ( IO1-IO4), will develop a recommendation paper for policy makers, VET professionals, VET trainers and other stakeholders on vocational education for electricians, that will include the following information: possible recruitments on curriculums and training contents for electricians and possible recruitments needed in trainers skills.


ENGLISH: IO5 – Recommendations for policy makers about the inadequacies of vocational education for electricians’ from the perspective of green skills concept

SPANISH: IO5 – Recomendaciones para responsables políticos sobre las insuficiencias de la formación profesional de los electricistas desde el punto de vista de las habilidades verdes

ITALIAN: IO5 – Raccomandazioni per i responsabili politici sulle inadeguatezze formative professionali per elettricisti dal punto di vista delle competenze ambientali

TURKISH: IO5 – Yeşil Dostu Yeterlilikler Kavramı Açısından Elektrikçilere Yönelik Mesleki Eğitimdeki Yetersizliklere İlişkin Politikacılar İçin Tavsiyeler

ROMANIAN: IO5: Recomandri pentru factorii de decizie privind necesarul de competene verzi în învățământul profesional pentru electricieni


IO6: Recommendations for policy makers about the inadequacies of Vocational education for Construction builders from the perspective of green skills concept

The main objective of the project is rising awareness of the policy makers and other stakeholders in vocational education system about the green skills for 2 low-level professions. For this reason, the consortium, taking into account results of the previous outputs ( IO1-IO4), will develop a recommendation paper for policy makers, VET professionals, VET trainers and other stakeholders on vocational education for construction builders, that will include the following information: possible recruitments on curriculums and training contents for construction builders and possible recruitments needed in trainers skills.


ENGLISH: IO6 – Recommendations for policy makers about the inadequacies of vocational education for construction workers from the perspective of green skills concept

SPANISH: IO6 – Recomandaciones pare responsable políticos sobre las insuficiencias del las formación profesional de los trabajadores de la construcción desde el punto de vista de las Habilidades verdes 

ITALIAN: IO6 – Raccomandazioni per i responsabili politici sulle inadeguatezze formative professionali per i costruttori dal punto di vista delle competenze ambientali

TURKISH: IO6 – Yeşil Dostu Yeterlilikler Kavramı Açısından İnşaat Çalışanlarına Yönelik Mesleki Eğitimdeki Yetersizliklere İlişkin Politikacılar İçin Tavsiyeler